In case the candidate suits AIS, the parents will be offered to sign the contract and provide the school the following documents:

  • Student’s birth certificate
  • Student’s insurance certificate
  • Student’s medical insurance policy
  • Both parents passports
  • Parents TIN (tax identification number)
  • Student’s medical record, which is written in № 026/u-2000 form
  • 2 photos 3×4 (for the security pass for parents)
  • Student’s medical certificates (analysis to the eggs of helminths, the scrape on enterobiasis)
  • Survey on sources to get acquainted with school

Student medical certificates

  • result of examination for skin and fungal diseases;
  • the result of an examination for paediculosis;
  • certificate of absence of contacts with infectious diseases during the last three weeks (valid for three days).
  • health group;
  • allergic history.