
"Irreplaceable experience for kids": the Alabuga STEM International Scientific and Practical Conference was held in SEZ Alabuga for the first time

Schoolchildren from Russia and China demonstrated their first steps in science.

The first Alabuga STEM International Scientific and Practical Conference was held in SEZ Alabuga from 11 to 12 March.

"The purpose of the conference is to provide a platform for acquaintances and discussions of students in STEM fields, as well as teachers, methodologists and leading experts, - shared STEM-coordinator of AIS Konstantin Gnidko, - Despite the fact that we are holding the conference for the first time, the geography of participants is very wide - from St. Petersburg to Hong Kong; from Moscow to Ishim".

For two days schoolchildren from all over Russia and China defended their scientific projects in front of experienced experts.

For example, Alabuga International School students Alisa Ivanova and Maya Salimova examined ways of treating one of the most terrible diseases - HIV. They gave examples of how the human immunodeficiency virus can be cured through gene mutation.

Yaroslav Gnidko, a tenth-grader from St. Petersburg, touched upon an equally important topic. The guest from the Northern Capital drew attention to safety in schools. The young man has developed a programme that uses neural networks to read a person's weapon on CCTV cameras and promptly transmits the data to the security of the educational institution.

Next, a team from the Moscow School of Economics presented a mock-up of an unmanned underwater vehicle for studying the bottom of water bodies to simplify their cleaning.
Batyr Kanzarov, in his turn, shared his developments in aircraft modelling and told how flying machines can benefit mankind today. ELCHK Lutheran Academy students from Hong Kong told their Russian colleagues about their space exploration projects.

In addition, projects in microbiology, physics and others were presented to the jury.

The conference programme also included an educational part. Thus, schoolchildren were trained in Business Cats business simulation, and later they tried to show their entrepreneurial skills.

Experts took part in a roundtable discussion on STEM education and the development of project-research activities. ELCHK Lutheran School Director Patrick Lam, PhD, joined the online conversation. Lam told the participants about co-operation with Russia on the implementation of space projects "Arctic Challenge 2024: Mission S".

The conference experts noted the work of the guys and wished them not to stop on their achievements.

"The participants prepared interesting reports. For example, on HIV treatment or detecting weapons to protect schools - these are quite loaded topics," said Natalia Blatt, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of Kazan Federal University, "The conference shows how much the guys are involved in adult issues and are interested in the world around them. The participants had an excellent opportunity to present their work. This irreplaceable experience will definitely help them in the future".

A collection of reports with the main materials will be published at the end of the conference.

At the end of the event, the best papers in various STEM areas were recognised:
Technology, engineering and robotics
"Aircraft modelling", Kanzafarov Batyr, IAOU "Boarding Lyceum No. 1" (Al'metyevsk)
Artificial intelligence and programming
"Weapon detection from video surveillance data to improve the security of educational institutions using YOLOv8 neural network", Yaroslav Gnidko, State Budgetary Educational Institution School No. 632 (Saint Petersburg)
Maths, physics and chemistry
"Tea as a universal indicator", Kapralov Damir, MBOU "Boarding Lyceum No. 24" (Nizhnekamsk)
"Biotechnology in microcloning of plants in biolaboratories and breeding of bacteria that improve plant growth and development", Murtazin Marsel, MAEI "Boarding Lyceum №1" (Al'metyevsk)
"Vermicomposter in home conditions", Akhmetova Sylvia, "Bala-City Academy. City of Children" (Kazan)