

An important event took place at AIS on 17 June - the PYP EXHIBITION.

Grade 6 students defended individual and group projects related to research in science, biotechnology, engineering, and robotics:

  • Alexander and Ilan: «Prototype of the upper shoulder girdle exoskeleton». The prototype of the upper shoulder girdle exoskeleton offered by AIS students for construction workers helps to reduce muscle tension and increase their endurance. The immaturity of the Russian market for the large-scale production of exoskeletons creates new opportunities for the development of startups in this field.
Mentor - Robotics Teacher Nikitin M.A.

  • Alexander: «Artificial intelligence system for speaker language recognition». It is expected that in the not too distant future, when exploring the planets of the solar system, we will face the need to recognize the speech of alien beings.
Mentor - Computer Science and 3D modeling Teacher Musich D.O.

  • Zeynep and Sofia : «Bioprosthetics». Students tried to reproduce the incubator for growing living tissues on the example of axolotl tissues to project regeneration methods for application in solving humanity's problems.
Mentor - Biotechnology Teacher Khaliullin M.R.

  • Amir and Sofia: «Artificial Intelligence System for Face Recognition». This development uses modern hardware and software neural network solutions and is the basis for building your own smart video surveillance system for home or school.
Mentor - Robotics Teacher Rybakov A.S.

  • Asel and Gleb: «Science textbook with augmented reality elements». Students trained with augmented reality technologies demonstrate 275% confidence in applying the knowledge gained, outperforming classroom and e-learning by 40% and 35% respectively.
Mentor - Science Teacher Potapov L.O.

  • Kitdus: «Decellularization». In long-distance space travels, mankind expects a huge number of currently unsolved difficulties and problems. One of them is production of necessary hormones and medicines in space. To solve this problem, we propose to create a base for bionic vessels by means of decellularization and to grow hitherto unseen organs on it. As a first step, we will produce ghost spinach, which can be used to engineer a vascular network.
Mentor - Biotechnology Teacher Khaliullin M.R.