
AIS is proud of the exploits of our ancestors

Alabuga International School celebrated a great holiday - Victory Day! This day symbolises the courage, heroism and strength of spirit of our people. We remember those who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our Motherland.

Various events were held at Alabuga International School in honour of the holiday. Master classes were organised for students on first aid, rules of radio communication, map and azimuth orienteering with a compass. In addition, there was a historical station where students learnt about the items of the war years.

AIS students prepared performances on military topics, telling about interesting facts of the Great Patriotic War. The event ended with a friendly eating of soldier's porridge.

We thank the veterans and all participants of the Great Patriotic War for the peaceful sky above their heads. We promise to preserve the historical memory and pass it on to future generations.

Happy holiday! Happy Victory Day!
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