STEM education

STEM education at AIS is an innovative approach to learning that integrates four key disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This approach aims to develop students' highly organised thinking and effective application of knowledge in real life.

Since September 2018, AIS has been implementing a strategy for developing engineering thinking from an early age (STEM education). Engineering lessons are taught by engineering mentors from the factories of SEZ ‘Alabuga’ residents. This allows to ensure that current school education is in line with real life.

SCIENCE includes the study of natural sciences such as biology, physics and chemistry, which helps pupils understand the basics of the world around them and develop scientific thinking.

TECHNOLOGY covers the use of modern technology to solve various problems, including programming, robotics and working with various tools and equipment.

ENGINEERING teaches children to apply scientific and mathematical knowledge to design and build various devices and systems.

MATHEMATICS provides a foundation for understanding and analysing data and solving complex problems.

The peculiarity of STEM education is its project orientation. Students do not just study individual subjects, but apply the knowledge and skills gained to solve complex problems, which promotes creativity, independence and teamwork.

STEM education prepares students for life in the modern world, where specialists capable of innovation and solving complex technical problems are in demand.
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Advantages of STEM education

  • Development of critical thinking and analytical skills

  • Building skills to solve complex problems and challenges
  • Preparing for success in higher education institutions
  • Involving students in research activities
  • Developing interest in science and technology
  • Formation of teamwork and co-operation skills
  • Preparing for successful careers in today's high-tech industries
Interview with STEM Coordinator